Money Transfer Features

Easy Integrations
Our API integration process is very simple and developer friendly for 3rd party applications. Support multiple languages.No lengthy codes to integrate

High TPS
Based on 3rd party application request it support High Transaction Per Second.This API is built to handle extreme user load.

First Reconciliation
Reconciliation API module can process high-quality and accurate transaction very fast.Separate report for Commission ,service charge, Refund.

Single account for all service
No need for multimle wallet for different services.Our single wallet system is bouquet of flowers for diffrent services.

Security is our highest priority.Java and oracle based API solution build in different layers which gives high security.

Dash Board
Our dynamic Dash Board provides single window to monitor different activity.It helps to analyze Data quickly and influence future decision making.

API Lifecycle Management
Updating API regularly is our company habit.We keep new and old API live same time so that our 3rd party developer get time modify with their application.